Interesting Social Facts.1. Majority of people sms/msn replying with "hehe" they are actually not smiling or giggling.
2. But, if you receive something like "hehe!" or "hahaha" they actually mean it, needless to say for exaggerated HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA xD
3. When He/She asks "What are you doing?" it usually means he/she misses you.
4. When He/She calls you "silly" or "stupid" in a cute way of course, he/she is actually cares for you and wants you to take care of yourself more.
5. Usually when a sentence ends with a "?" it means that person wants to talk with you more.
6. No punctuations, short sentences, 1 words replies means that person is not interested to talk wit you.
7. Sometimes people will be sarcastic replying something like "Okay, don't bother you busy with your works" but deep down they actually wanted to talk with you more.
8. Texting you actively means that you are important to that person. Normally people don't bother to talk with someone they don't care.
9. If he/she gives you nicknames, means, he or she wants you to remember him/her.
10. Whenever the person tells you "i reached home already" or "i just reached" it proves that you are the first one in his/her mind.
11. "Text me when you reach home" or "Tell me if you reached home safely" means he or she wants you to be safe.
12. If he or she didn't text you for some time, it doesn't mean that his/her draft box is empty !!
13. Telling you shameful or silly stuff means that that person wants your attention, your advice or even your scoldings!
14. There is no such thing as, sent wrong message. Although it might happen, maybe it means, he wants to talk to you, but just doens't know what to say.